Prior to 2000
Early 2010's
Late 2010's
Audio Software Video Software MOTU Digital Performer Apple Final Cut Pro Apple Garageband Apple Motion Makemusic Finale Apple Color Propellerhead Reason Apple DVD Studio Pro Garritan Personal Orchestra Apple Soundtrack Pro Arturia V Collection NCH Prism EWQL Hollywood Choirs Diamond Wondershare UniConverter EWQLSO Platinum Plus Apple iDVD EWQL Ministry of Rock Apple iMovie EWQL Gypsy Adobe Photoshop EWQL Goliath Adobe Illustrator EWQL Fab Four Adobe Flash EWQL Hollywoud Backup Singers Adobe Fireworks EWQL Dark Side EWQL Voices of Soul Focusrite Bundle Audio FX Fast Balancer Focusrite Bundle Audio FX Red Focusrite Bundle XLN Addictive Keys Focusrite Bundle XLN Addictive Drums Focusrite Bundle Softube Marshall Silver Focusrite Bundle Relab LX480 Focusrite Bundle Brainworx Focusrite Bundle NI Massive Izotope Vocal Synth Izotope IRIS Izotope Neutron Advanced Izotope Neutrino Izotope DDLY Dynamic Delay Izotope Ozone Advanced Izotope Alloy Izotope Nectar Izotope Neoverb Izotope RX Izotope Trash Musiclab RealGuitar Musiclab RealStrat Musiclab RealPC Musiclab RealEight Musiclab RealRick Slate SSD5 Slate Trigger Exponential Audio R4 Exponential Audio Nimbus Exponential Audio PhoenixVerb Exponential Audio Excalibur Apple Mainstage Musitek SmartScore Waves Platinum Bundle Waves Vocal Bundle Waves CLA EPIC Tabledit RODETest FUZZMeasure
Studio Hardware Apple MAC Pro (24 core/dual 30" cinema + Slate Raven MTI2 displays) Apple MACbook PRO (M2 12 core) Canon HF10 AVCHD video camera Focusrite Clarett+ 8pre audio interface MOTU 828es audio interface MOTU Midi Express Xt (8 port interface) Digitech Midi Vocalist Conover Cable Baby Grand Piano Kurzweil K2000 Kurzweil PC88mx Yamaha CP80 Yamaha YPG545 Yamaha KX5 Tascam DA38/MMC38 Digital 8-Track Recorder Tascam 102MKII Cassette recorder Samson HP4 headphone amplifier Slate VXS headphones Sony, AKG headphones Slate VSM ML1 and ML2 microphones Rode, AKG, Shure, Blue microphones Neve Portico 5012 Microphone preamp Yamaha P2050 Stereo amplifier Samson Server-240 Stereo amplifier Yamaha NS40M near-field monitors Tannoy TS-10 sub woofer Community CSX35 PA speakers Aurelex Sound Proofing Power conditioning/Patchbays Midi/Audio switches